Emergency Rental & Utility Assistance Program
If you are the head of household (HOH) living on or near the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation and have an emergency need for rental or utility assistance, you may be eligible for financial relief.
As of December 29, 2022, the Emergency Rental & Utility Assistance Program has closed.
Public Notice, August 19, 2021
The Emergency Rental Assistance Program only assists with those who are paying rent to a landlord.
If you are a homeowner and have been previously assisted with our program, we are no longer able to assist you with utilities.
We apologize for any inconvenience. Homeowners may contact the OST Energy Office for assistance at 605-867-5169.
Eligibility Guidelines
- Must be COVID-19 related
- Unemployment or low-income
- If you are a renter and total household income is under $63,900, you many apply and qualify for rental and utility assistance.
Service Areas
Pine Ridge Indian Reservation
Black Hills Area
Rapid City
Hot Springs
Gordon, Nebraska
Rushville, Nebraska
Chadron, Nebraska
Whiteclay, Nebraska
Hay Springs, Nebraska
Clinton, Nebraska
Application Checklist
- Head of Household
- Household Information
- Updated Contact Information
- Tribal Enrollment Number
- Total Household Annual Income is under $79,900
- Copies of Rental Information
- Copies of Utility Bills
- Propane Percentage
- Internet
- Lease Agreement from Landlord Along With a W-9
All applications and supporting documents will need to be submitted to the district housing maintenance nearest you. Rapid City/Hot Springs/Black Hills Area applications will be submitted to the Rapid City office.
Application Process

Download the application and complete it. Be sure to gather all of the required documentation.

Submit the completed application via fax to 605-867-2007 or drop it off at the district OSLH maintenance office.

We’ll review your application to make sure it is complete.

We’ll pay your landlord or utility company.
ERAP Recertification
Households that have already been served by Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) can use this form if there have been no changes in income or residence.
If you have questions or would like more information, please call Connie Ten Fingers at (605) 867-6348 or (605) 454-2085 or email connie.tf@oslh.org. You can also call Norma Lone Hill at (605) 970-0197 or (605) 970-7336 or email norma.lh@oslh.org.